On February 24th, 2022, Russia has started a massive invasion of Ukraine, a European democracy of 44 million people. We are fundraising to support Ukraine and Ukrainians who fight against Russian aggression. Please donate what you can to help us in this fight for freedom!
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The war is escalating in Ukraine. Millions of children and their loved ones are in danger
No place is safe in Ukraine right now. Multiple Russian missiles explode in cities all over the country every day, destroying infrastructure and killing civilians. Russian troops shell people, whole families that try to flee the battlefield-ridden towns. All the nightmares of war are witnessed by Ukrainian children, of which there are at least 7,5 million.
No child deserves to live in a constant state of fear, uncertainty, and danger. Thousands of them have already witnessed misery and destruction. Many have to flee their country or hide in cold, dark shelters. And some children have already fallen victim to bombings and attacks. It is heartbreaking and unacceptable!
Please, donate to help save as many children as possible from the atrocities of war!